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Transcendental Breathwork 

25 Janvier    14h-18h30

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Mini groupe 6 participants max


Transcendental Breathwork
Facilitated by Thomas Amiard

Transcendental Breathwork is a technique of personal development and therapy from transpersonal psychology .

This practice combines traditional techniques and the latest developments in modern psychology
It allows access to non-ordinary or extended states of consciousness in order

to reach parts of the psyche that are usually difficult to access, such as:

- The subconscious where childhood experiences, emotional and psychosomatic blockages, limiting beliefs are stored

-The super conscious, seat of creativity, intuition, transcendental and spiritual experiences.

The extended state of consciousness we are accessing, allows us to unblock the unconscious material and to integrate it consciously, durably, in the best way.

It also frees up access to the superconscious, opening the door to extraordinary transpersonal/transcendental experiences.

25 Janvier 14h-18h

La Garenne Colombes
(Direct 15mn  de St Lazare)

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Transcendental Breathwork

Hong Kong
Transcendental Breathwork by thomas_  co

Pause studio & Silvermine beach
                                (8 participants-6h)

Transcendental/Breathwork is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing that integrates insights from various practices including psychology, music therapy, anthropology and Eastern spiritual practices.

Anyone seeking healing for past problems, emotional or psychosomatic blockages may benefit from the practice, as well as those seeking insight, guidance or access to intuition and creativity...

2 sessions

February 8th and 15th 2025


 2 early bird tickets /Session

Until January 20th

Mystic Breathwork Sunset
Repulse Bay-Sea view

Mystic Breathwork is a unique blend of traditional practices leading to a meditative/expanded state of consciousness and physical well-being.

Originally from the Suffi tradition, this group practice is based on a synchronized combination of :


- Hypnotic Music guidance
- Breathwork
- Swaying
- Humming
- Visualisation


Not scheduled

Transcendantal Breathwork

Atelier a Paris

Le Centre Element

9 Novembre


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Transcendental Breathwork
Facilitated by Thomas Amiard

Transcendental Breathwork is a technique of personal development and therapy from transpersonal psychology .

This practice combines traditional techniques and the latest developments in modern psychology
It allows access to non-ordinary or extended states of consciousness in order

to reach parts of the psyche that are usually difficult to access, such as:

- the subconscious where traumatic experiences, emotional and psychosomatic blockages, limiting thoughts, etc. are stored
-the super conscious, seat of creativity, intuition, transcendental and spiritual experiences.

The extended state of consciousness we are accessing, allows us to unblock the unconscious material and to integrate it consciously, durably, in the best way.

It also frees up access to the superconscious, opening the door to extraordinary transpersonal/transcendental experiences.



Le Centre Element-Paris
Le 9 Novembre 17h-21h


Transcendental Breathwork

Barcelona-Villa Zen

October 20th - October 26th   

Facilitated by Thomas Amiard

Transcendental Breathwork is a technique of personal development and therapy from transpersonal psychology .

This practice combines traditional techniques and the latest developments in modern psychology
It allows access to non-ordinary or extended states of consciousness in order

to reach parts of the psyche that are usually difficult to access, such as:

- The subconscious mind, where childhood experiences, emotional and psychosomatic blockages, and limiting beliefs are stored
-The superconscious mind, the seat of creativity, intuition, transcendental and spiritual experiences.

The extended state of consciousness we are accessing, allows us to unblock the unconscious material and to integrate it consciously, durably, in the best way.

It also frees up access to the superconscious, opening the door to extraordinary transpersonal/transcendental experiences.


Introducion Gratuita Octubre 18th 7pm Villa Zen 

Carrer del Torrent de les Flors, 50, Gràcia, 08024 Barcelona, Spain

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Paris-Hong Kong

Private/Home Workshops

Breathworks &Meditations

-Meditation skills
-Breathwork skills
-Performance Breathwork

-Mindful Breathwork
-Breathwork Journey
-Tao Chi Breathwork
-Mystic Breathwork

Details :

All sessions are also available one-on-one at the studio, or online.

Host any 1h session as a private group with your family, friends or colleague. 2000Hkd/200€  for a group up to 8 people
Transcendental Breathwork @Home

Set up your private workshop
in the confort of your Home




-A place you can play 2h music.

-A mat/bed/sofa to lay down comfortably

-Comfortable clothes

-A bottle of water easy to drink when laying down (sport type )

-A cushion/pillow, and blanket (You may experience hot or cold with no objective reasons, the more comfortable the better) 

-no food 2h before the introduction 



-1h Theoretical & Practical Introduction (first time only)

-2h Session

-1h Recollection & Integration

PRIVATE TRANSCENDENTAL BREATHWORK PRICE - HONG KONG - 1 participant   3500 HK$ 2 participants  2200HK$/pers 3 participants  1500HK$/pers 4 to 7 ppants 1200HK$/pers 8 to 9 ppants   990HK$/pers - PARIS - Transcendental Breathwork Session privee 1 participant  350€ 2 participants 220€/Pers 3 participants 150€/Pers 4 participants 125€/Pers 5 participants 110€/Pers 6 a 8 participants 95€/pers

Transcendental Breathwork
Hong Kong
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Back in June 2nd, 8th, 15th !




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La pratique d’Intégral Breathwork permet d'atteindre un état de conscience étendu, un mental calme, une sensation de bien-être intérieur.
Elle est basée sur une combinaison de techniques spirituelles traditionnelles du monde entier connues pour leurs bienfaits:

-Le Breathwork ou technique de respiration, qui a une puissante action physiologique sur le corps comme sur le mental et dont les capacités transformatrices fantastiques ne sont plus à démontrer.
-La vocalisation d'une simple syllabe lors de l'expiration qui génère un état de résonance interne favorable a l’ élargissement de la conscience.

-Un mouvement simple qui favorise l'attention, la concentration,
et le lâcher prise.

-Une technique de visualisation qui permet la gestion optimale de l'énergie accumulée lors de la pratique.
-Le tout baigné dans une musique hypnotique et progressive qui guide les participants vers un état de flow.

19 Mai 11h-12h @Uman Project

26 Mai 14h-15h @Le Centre Element

Holotropic Breathwork

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Transcendental Breathwork sessions available
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