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Breathwork & Mindfulness

Yoga Man Meditation
Girl Relaxing

Breathwork Skills

1 Hour

It is acknowledged for milliners that mastering the breath is mastering life force.
Masters from various traditions are teaching techniques to control and adapt the breath in order to achieve beneficial results at every level.

In the breathwork skills class, you will learn how to use your breath
according to your needs and the situation, so you can :

-Relax and get rid of stress and anxiety in any situation

-Improve your sleep
-Balance your mind and body on a regular basis.

-Improve focus and attention.

Advanced Breathwork (Performance)

1 Hour

Performance Breathwork


Great for physical and mental performance optimization, this class teaches a powerful breathing technique to achieve the optimal state of being. 

It’s the perfect technique to get rid of stress, recover, re-energize and boost performances at every level.

The practice of Performance Breathwork :

- Maximises your energy level (increase cellular ATP level)

- Improves the body’s alkalinity, oxygen utilization, digestion, and reduces inflammation.

- Boosts your endocrine system, producing more useful hormones / neurotransmitters.

- Boosts your immune system.

- increases awareness and promotes a deep meditative state with no efforts

 proceeding from the changes triggered in your physiology.

This technique can be used every day as a morning routine, as a " kick-starter " to enhance your day and progressively increase performances.

From Schedules

Mindful Breathwork

1 Hour

Modern life is stressful and if we don’t pay attention we can lose connection with our bodies.

This session is a combination of Breathwork, Mindfulness Body Scan and visualization.

The Breathwork will energize your body while quieting your mind, leading to a deep and blissful meditative state

The mindfulness practice will move your awareness to various bodily sensations, emotions and images.

It’s a Journey of sensory awareness and reconection throughout the body that will make you fully present in the here and now.

Visualisation is a renowned technique to promote creativity and spiritual opening.

Breathwork Journey

1 Hour

All around the world and for thousands of years  breathwork is used for the many benefits it offers.
Indeed the breath is a fantastic tool that gives you access to every layers of yourself: body, Energy, emotions, mental and spiritual.

In this class we will explore Breastwork techniques from different traditions around the world like Hinduism, Buddhism,  Sufism, Taoism, and learn how to enjoy and master the source of life that is the breath.

Holotropic & Transcendental Breathwork 

3-4 Hours 

Transcendental Breathwork is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing that integrates insights from various practices including psychology, music therapy, anthropology and Eastern spiritual practices. Anyone seeking healing for past problems or psychosomatic blockage may benefit from the practice, as well as those seeking insight, guidance, or access to intuition and creativity.

Transcendental Breathwork combines accelerated breathing with a specially designed musical journey, in order to access insight and healing in non-ordinary states of consciousness. With the eyes closed and comfortably lying on a mat under a specialist supervision, each person uses their own breathing supported by the musical mix to enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. The experience is entirely internal and largely non-verbal, without interventions.

Entering a non-ordinary state of consciousness, in this context, activates the natural inner healing process, generating experiences unique to each person for that particular time and place. Breathers often experience recurring themes, but no two breathwork sessions are ever the same.

Each Transcendental Breathwork session is followed by a two steps integration process to get the best out of the experience.

Next Transcendental Breathwork workshop here :

Body-Mind-Soul Breathwork


This session is a specially designed sequence structured as follow :

1 Breath Stretching

-Spot & Release muscular tensions
-Open Canals/Meridians for the energy to flow
-Warm up the lungs preparing for breath work

2 Breath Work

-Energize the body at the cellular level (till 15X more ATP )
-Boost immune and endocrine system ( Adrenalin, Dopamine, Endorphin )
-Fight inflammations, improve digestion
-Access meditative state without effort preparing for hypnagogic visualisation

3 Hypnagogic Visualisation

-Deepen meditative state
-develop awareness insights and creativity


Mystic Breathwork

Group Breathwork&Motion Meditation

1 Hour
Originally from the Sufi tradition, Mystic Meditation is a powerful blend of practices leading to a deep meditative/expanded state of consciousness
and physical well being.

This group practice is based on a synchronized combination of :

-Mystic motion


-Music guidance

Meditation Skills

1 Hour

In this class you will learn the 3 main types of meditation:

-One point focus attention meditation (Buddhist breath meditation)
-Free monitoring meditation (Mindfulness)
-Mantra meditation (Transcendental meditation)

We will start with an introduction explaining the different types and the science behind meditation, then we will practice together so you can experiment and choose what fits best for you.

About: Services
Groups &Corporate Training

2 hours


The Breathwork and Mindfulness Training is a fantastic tool for personal growth

and a natural cure for stress.

This workshop offers individuals and groups a time-efficient way to acquire techniques to recover, energize, reach your best potential and successfully deal with stress.

Perfect for individuals, staff development or team building,

the Breathwork and Mindfulness Training teaches how to boost your physiology while

balancing your mind and emotions.

Breathwork & Mindfulness benefits are known for centuries and have recently been rediscovered by science.

These techniques are simple to learn and easy to incorporate in everyday life to achieve maximum results.

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