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Scientific studies on Breathwork


Updated: Mar 11, 2021

Boost the immune system

Collinge and Yarnold 2001

Improve generalised anxiety, social anxiety, music performance anxiety and depression

(Wheble et al 2017 p.105)

Assist with psychotherapy in reducing anxiety and increasing self esteem

(Holmes et al 1996)

Develop self-awareness and encourage positive temperament changes

(Miller and Nielson 2015)

Be effective in respiratory rehabilitation of COPD patients

(Cancelliero-Gaiad KM et al 2014 and Harvard Medical School)

Improve symptoms, quality of life and psychological impact of asthma

(Bruton and Thomas 2011)

Prevent/reduce stress, exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen, slow the heartbeat and stabilise/lower blood pressure

(Harvard Medical School)

Improve cognitive performance and reduce negative physiological consequences of stress

(Xiao Ma et al 2017)

Improve quality of life (self care, depression, anxiety) and pulmonary function in lung cancer patients

(W Liu et al 2013)

Reduce 'tension-anxiety' and fatigue in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy

(Hayama and Inoue 2012)

Reduce chronic back pain

(Mehling WE et AL 2005)

Reduce frequency, severity and duration of migraines and vomiting episodes

(Kaushik R et AL 2005)

Lower blood pressure

(Jagomagi et Al 2003 and Mori H et al 2005)

Reduce oxidative stress and improve anthropometry and glycemic control in Type 2 diabetes

(Hedge SV et al 2012)

Reduce exercise induced oxidative stress in athletes

(Matarelli et al 2011)

Improve muscle strength and endurance in spinal cord patients

(Van Houtte et al 2008)

Improve GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)

(Eherer et al 2012)

Allow access to divergent thinking; 'the most important ingredient of creativity'

(Colzato et al 2012)

Help with motion sickness

(Stromberg et al 2015)

Scientific studies on Holotropic Breathwork/Transcendental Breathwork

Breathwork can help treat depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

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